SMS & Email Marketing For Chiropractors

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SMS & Email Marketing for Chiropractors

More Opens, Higher CTRs, & Happier Replies

Stop sending emails that nobody opens. We can easily take on iterative testing, automation, design, messaging, newsletters, referral campaigns, review campaigns, seasonal messages, birthday wishesā€”you name it! We’ve got the skills, tech, results, and track record.

Cultivate Your Audience

SMS & email marketing is a near-free way to connect with your audience directly. They are the communication channels offering you the most control. Email collection is the lowest friction, highest converting, and highest ROI lead generation channel. SMS marketing has the highest view rates. A well-curated patient mailing list with strong subject lines, compelling content, value-added messaging, and cross-promotions can substantially increase engagement, reviews, case averages, and referrals.

Monthly Newsletter

Elevate your practice with SMS & email marketing campaigns designed exclusively for chiropractors seeking to establish a stronger sense of rapport with prospective and existing patients through a thoughtful newsletter. Your custom-designed, carefully curated monthly newsletter is a direct medium for you to engage, educate, and inspire.

Full-Service Digital Marketing

As a one-stop-shop chiropractic digital marketing firm, PowerSurge sees SMS & email marketing as a must. Lead with your best foot forward, building new relationships en masse using high-quality creative content – including newsletters, video series, and digital ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. With lead capture on your social pages and website, grow your lists to generate, compile, and nurtureā€”yielding more appointments.

Interactive Messages = Happy Subscribers

Donā€™t let your email list get bored with the same old same; devise email templates and marketing automation campaigns that excite your subscribers. We can handle everything SMS & email marketing for you. Get happy subscribers without worrying about A/B split testing, copywriting research, conversion design, dynamic content creation, HTML editing, or SPAM avoidance filters.

Database Reactivations

Advance PVAs, case averages, and clinical outcomes with database reactivation campaigns for chiropractors using SMS and email marketing. Constructively connect with passive patients to increase engagement and appointment counts. Get instant results, elevating relationships that you’re already invested in. These campaigns are some of the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ that exist.

Marketing Automation Wins

Weā€™ve done the research and built the campaigns. We know the journeys your patients like to take and where chiropractors are best served using marketing automation and AI or a personalized, human approach to convert more prospects into happy patients who stay, pay, and refer. Easily install and operationalize our chiropractic marketing automation software, getting up to 50% more efficient in 90 days or less.

Bottom Line

You need a compatible SMS & email marketing plan.

Trust the Experts
SMS & Email Marketing for Chiropractors

The power of our offer-driven SMS & email marketing comes from the fact that they tap into human psychology using incentives to incite the actions you want. Offers are an effective means of changing people’s behaviors – to try new services and to select your practice over the competition.

Natural List Nurturing

Learn how we engineer every SMS & email marketing campaign to engage and convert.

Email Marketing Micro Quiz

Could you be getting higher open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates, and thus help more people with better email marketing? Answer 7 questions, and we’ll let you know how you measure up. Finish in a few minutes and get instant results with no email address required.

Chiropractors help people feel, function, and live better.

PowerSurge Marketing Is Easy, and It Works!

If youā€™re a chiropractor wanting to help more people live their #BestLife, get started for free today.

Use Our Best Stuff By Yourself

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